Aspahlt Shingles

​In Albany NY, asphalt shingles are the most popular type of roof because it’s waterproof, easy to install and cheap. There are many different variations of roof shingles, such as organic, fiberglass, architectural, and 3-Tab.
Organic shingles are created with a combination of paper, cellulose, wood fibers, and asphalt. They are more resistant to tears than fiberglass, but they’re also slightly more prone to fire due to their composition.
Fiberglass shingles are made from a mix of asphalt and glass fibers. Despite being more brittle than organic shingles, fiberglass has a class A fire rating.
Architectural shingles (also known as laminate) vary in size and shape, creating a more 3D look that’s like shake. The thicker than average width adds some cost, but they’re generally considered more attractive.

3-Tab shingles are all the exact same size and shape. The pieces fit next to each other perfectly like a puzzle, creating a flat appearance. The width is not as thick as architectural shingles, so the cost is less.

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